My name is Tim Graybill, Thank you for visiting my online portfolio. I am A 3d artist specializing in modeling and texturing of environments, characters, and props for games. I love taking a concept drawing and bringing them to life in a game engine. I come from a 3d generalist background, so I’m skilled in many other areas of 3d such as lighting, rigging, animation, particle effects, rendering, and optimization. With 12 years of professional Experience, I have explored various different areas of 3d production including architectural visualization, automotive visualization, visual effects for television, video game development and cinematic cut scenes.
I hold a Bachelors Degree in Game Art and Design from the Art Institute of California - Orange County. During my time as a student I learned about many aspects of Game production, Including game design, level design, game asset creation, and prototyping. I am always learning new programs, skills, and techniques because I think an artist’s willingness to learn can be their most powerful asset.
Now, I am seeking a position within the game industry that will utilize my current skill set and allow for opportunities of continued growth in learning and creativity.
- I worked on pre-production, layout and design of environments for an upcoming, unannounced game title.
- Daily work consisted of :
Level Design/ layout.
low-poly modeling, props, environment elements .
Theming with basic color, and set dressing utilizing in house tools.
(basically , I was taking a level block out and making it look like whatever environment reference we were going for ).
- Other responsibilities included working with game designers to implement new game features, and provide regular feedback / ideas on the games development.
- Worked with the production team to create high quality renders for Toyota, as well as some other big name brands.
- my main responsibility was working on the geo-prep portion of the production pipeline, which consists of:
UV mapping the exteriors and interiors of vehicles
creating and assigning materials
grouping and organizing car parts
utilizing Z brush to sculpt interior seats to create a realistic look.
- other responsibilities included modeling vehicle parts, creating props, creating environments, and working with Unreal Engine and VR.
more images can be found on https://www.toyota.com/
- I was part of a team of talented artist that worked with Ubisoft's proprietary game engine Snowdrop to create a trailer for the Division at E3 2016
-Main responsibilities was set dressing the environment for scenes in the trailer. (adding snow to create a blizzardy look, dirtying up important scenes, adding props, modifying environment to meet the directors needs. working with materials, and much more.
-I had to learn the game engine Snowdrop and work with its tools. Most content was created from assets that already existed in the game world.
- Worked with the unreal engine to create and modify assets for a cinematic sequence in X COM 2
- Gathered assets and animations in the game engine to create scenes for cinematic sequences.
- Created textures and materials for characters in a new virtual reality experience using unreal 4.
- I worked on a small team to create a VR experience called Lunar Drive for Dell. I was responsible for creating the environment art for the experience, as well as integrating others art and animation into the Unreal Engine.
- I was part of a similar team that made a VR experience called Cry Out: The Lonely Whale Experience. I was responsible for working with an outsourced CG studio to integrate environments, characters, and animation into the experience.
-With 4 co-founding member, We established and launched the company, as well as created logos, identity, and website.
-Conceptualized and manage projects to be released on a scheduled date.
-Created Original 3d Characters from concept to completion with promotional materials.
-Worked with Sony Computer Entertainment America to create virtual goods to be sold on the PlayStation Home marketplace.
Example of in game work (PlayStation Home)
Example of in game work (PlayStation Home)
Check out our website at www.EngineGiant.com
-Learned to use proprietary software and hardware(PlayStation Home development tools)
-Developed content to sell as virtual goods on the PlayStation Home platform.
-Integral part of a small team to catapult Konami to a top tier developer on PS Home in the first year.
- Worked with various AAA game Intellectual Properties such as Metal Gear Solid, and Castlevania: Lords of Shadow. I took high quality game assets and optimized them to work in the PS Home Engine.
- Worked on all aspects of original characters and environments. Concepts, Z-brush sculpting, low poly modeling, texturing, rigging, LOD creation, level building, and lighting.
Example of work in game (PlayStation Home)
Example of work in game (PlayStation Home)
Example of work in game (PlayStation Home)
Example of work in game (PlayStation Home)
- Created 3D graphics for various television programs that aired on The History Channel and National Geographic. Shows Included Snipers, Science of Movies, and Inside Extraordinary Humans.
- Graphics included environment art, props, animation, camera layout, lighting, rendering and particles effects. I would also work on post production motion graphics and compositing.
- Created realistic architecture renderings of large buildings, track homes, apartments, and casinos.
- Modeled props for environments such as furniture, plant life, slot machines and much more.
- Created interiors and exteriors accurate to CAD drawings.
Example of Architecture render
Example of Architecture render
Example of Architecture render
Modeling: Environments, characters, clothing, armor, hard surface / organic props, and vehicles. I could model any concept that is put in front of me.
Texturing: Comfortable creating custom textures from photos or hand painted, making modular high quality materials with all necessary texture maps, and I’m very experienced with modern texture baking techniques. I enjoy working with substance painter.
Game Engine Artist: Experienced working with Unreal Engine 4’s art tools and few other game engines, basic functionality with blueprint system.
Architectural Visualization: Can create realistic accurate interiors and exteriors from CAD drawings and concepts.
Animation: Mechanical animation, camera animation, basic character animation.
Lighting and Rendering: Comfortable working with lighting in Unreal Engine, Mental Ray, and V-ray.
Optimization: Retopologize with clean polygons , create low poly models for baking textures and to meet poly count needs , LOD Creation.
Problem solver: Willingness to adapt and learn new programs, skills, and techniques to overcome challenges presented in 3d production.
Unreal Engine 4
Substance Painter
X Normal
3D Studio Max
Motion Builder
After Effects
Z Brush
Crazy Bump
V Ray
World Machine
Premiere Pro
Bachelor of Science in Game Art and Design (Graduated in December 2007)